Wednesday, June 5 • 09:00 - 17:00
Roll the Marbles! Not Only Good Architecture Helps us to Test Better!

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Improving quality is much more than simply exploring the software, as we testers sometimes do. It is also about having a solid architecture to avoid product risks, rather than merely mitigate them. Are you aware of the impact of architecture?

To show you the impact of architecture, we use an interesting metaphor which is also a toy for (big) children! Design, build, and test a marble track while applying the SCRUM approach. You must plan, talk, cooperate, build, test, and think a few sprints ahead to anticipate future problems or risks. Besides that, you will change roles between sprints to determine if you are more critical as a tester about things you did not build.

Main topics to be covered:
• Collaboration and communication with a PO, architect, and stakeholders
• Incorporate different quality attributes in the development process
• The consequences of architectural decisions and changes related to testing
• How to keep the focus on people, process, and product

Combining all these topics, you will discover at the end of the tutorial, that it is important to think about:
• Test approaches
• Project environment (e.g. people)
• Product elements (e.g. architecture)
• Quality attributes (e.g. testability, stability)
from the beginning of the development process.

Join our tutorial to have a look from a broader perspective on how architecture relates to testing and quality.
You will:
• experience the interactions within a team while building a marble track.
• deal with restrictions and limitations within product development
• have fun playing with marbles!

Key Takeaways:
  • Incorporate different quality attributes in the development process
  • The consequences of architectural decisions and changes related to testing
  • How to keep the focus on people, process, and product

avatar for Alex Cusmaru

Alex Cusmaru

Test Team Lead, Siemens Mobility
Alex is a passionate tester with more than 14 years of experience in testing, integrating and validating safety-related railway software and systems.In the past, he was the responsible for the validation of operation and control software and the integration of train control systems... Read More →
avatar for Ard Kramer

Ard Kramer

Qualisopher, OrangeCrest, Netherlands
Ard is a software tester from the Netherlands and works for OrangeCrest. He calls himself a Qualisopher which stands for someone ‘who loves truth and wisdom, and at the same time is decisive to improve man and his environment’. This means he is interested in the world around us... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 09:00 - 17:00 EEST