Wednesday, June 5

09:00 EEST

Building Automated Quality Gates Into Your CI Pipelines
How do you know when your code is ready for production? At what point in time can you trust your automated tests enough to eventually deploy into production?

Companies make use of CI pipelines to help drive quicker execution of automated tests and ensure that code is of sufficient quality before deployment. Or at least that is what they are supposed to do. Too often, companies end up using CI pipelines to try and drive better software delivery but end up still delivering poor quality software into test environments and lose trust in the effectiveness of the pipeline process.

In this workshop we will have a look at the ideal structure of a CI pipeline and how to build the different quality gates into the pipeline to ensure that things like code coverage, security, automated test results and performance standards are all achieved before code is deployed to the different environments it is required. We will look at the structure of a CI pipeline, what the different stages mean and importantly how to enforce different metrics and targets automatically in the pipeline.

This workshop will start off with a talk about CI pipelines itself and the different quality gates that can be included to measure quality across the different stages before going into a more technical look at an actual CI pipeline in YAML code and then working to add the respective quality gates into the code through a variety of exercises.

This session will require some basic coding knowledge, but the focus is not on writing any automated tests, but rather in working with CI pipelines and using YAML as a base for the pipeline code. Even if an attendee is not keen in getting involved in DevOps pipelines having an understanding of quality gates in CI pipelines would still be beneficial.

Outline of workshop:
- Discussion on ideal CI pipeline structure
- Look at the different quality gates and how to use them to measure different aspects of quality
- Dive into the structure of the CI pipeline and understand the YAML code
- Complete a variety of exercises where attendees will add code to the CI pipeline to introduce quality gates

Key Takeaways:
  • Understand the ideal structure for a CI pipeline
  • Understand the different types of quality gate to use and how automated measures can be applied to them
  • Gain a working knowledge of YAML in constructing a CI/CD pipeline

avatar for Craig Risi

Craig Risi

Head of Engineering, Old Mutual
A man of many talents, but no sense of how to use them. Craig could be out changing the world but would prefer to make software instead. Probably the reason why Nick Fury refused to take his calls. He possesses a passion for software design, but more importantly software quality and... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 09:00 - 17:00 EEST
Väike Saal

09:00 EEST

Enhancing Quality with AI Assistant: From Code Examination to Error Analysis
The importance of quality assurance in software development cannot be overstated. With the progress of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the field of Quality Assurance is undergoing a transformation. This workshop aims to introduce practical ways to incorporate chatbots into Quality Engineers' daily tasks in order to improve efficiency and the overall quality of their work, but also to guide participants to come up with a variety of ways to utilize AI in their daily work.

The workshop will cover a range of topics, including explaining code, generating documentation from code, identifying edge case problems, automating test case generation, creating scripts to generate test data, implementing API tests, generating Cypress automation code, creating bug reports, troubleshooting and generating possible fixes from stack traces and more.

Participants will have the hands-on opportunity to try out these tasks using a test web application. The workshop incorporates a mix of theory and practice, with participants guided through the process of using AI in a range of real-world Quality Assurance tasks.

Participants are required to have familiarity with git, as they will need to clone the project beforehand and install all the dependencies using Node. The application to be tested will run on the participants' computers and will consist of a front-end interface and a backend API. Test automation will be done using Cypress. Deep knowledge of Cypress is not necessary, the project will be set up with initial tests and understanding them will be intuitive or with the help of AI.

To provide the AI chatbot an instance of Azure AI based on OpenAI's GTP-4 model will be provided. Participants do not require a ChatGPT subscription to access the chatbot.

This workshop is designed for those who already have basic technical knowledge to set up and run a local web application. It does not assume deep knowledge of quality assurance concepts but a familiarity with git, Node, and running a web application on their own device. While it's not a beginner course, the workshop aims to get the creative juices flowing regarding incorporating AI into daily tasks and could also be a great overview of different aspects in product's quality lifecycle for anyone.

Agenda for the day:

09:00 - 09:40: Introduction and Overview of the Workshop + technical setup: Set the stage for the day, introduce the agenda, and address any initial queries. Guide participants who have not done the setup of the project beforehand

09:40 - 09:55: Getting to Know the Field of the Project Under Test: Utilizing AI to dive into a field that is new for the participants.

09:55 - 10:30: Explaining What a Piece of Code Does: Discuss how AI can be used to understand and interpret code.

10:30 - 10:45: Break

10:45 - 11:15: Generate Documentation from Code: Demonstrate how AI can be used to generate documentation directly from code.

11:15 - 12:30: Finding Edge Case Problems: Dive deeper into how AI can identify edge cases and improve test coverage.

12:30 - 13:30: Lunch

13:30 - 14:00: Generating Test Cases: Discuss how AI can automate the generation of test cases.

14:00 - 14:30: Generating Scripts to Generate Test Data: Briefly show how AI can be used to generate scripts that create test data.

14:30 - 15:00: Generate Postman API Requests, Testing Edge Cases: Demonstrate how AI can generate API calls and tests, including those for edge cases.

15:00 - 15:15: Break

15:15 - 16:00 Generating Automation Code: See how AI can be used to generate automation code.

16:00 - 16:15: Generating Bug Reports: Test how AI can auto-generate detailed bug reports, saving time and improving the quality of reporting.

16:15 - 16:45: Troubleshooting, Generating Explanation and Possible Fixes from Stacktrace: Show how AI can analyze stack traces to identify the root cause of errors and suggest possible fixes.

16:45 - 17:00: Review of the Day and Conclusion of Workshop: Wrap up the day's activities, answer any remaining questions, and discuss how to apply the day's learning in real-world scenarios.

Key Takeaways:
  • Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how AI is transforming the field of Quality Assurance.
  •  Insights into how AI can be used to identify edge cases, generate test data, analyze logs, solve problems and automate the flow of testing.
  • An inspired mindset to find more ways to apply AI to their daily tasks.

avatar for Karl Toomas Vana

Karl Toomas Vana

Quality Engineer, Proekspert
Karl Toomas Vana is a Quality Engineer who has been contributing to Proekspert for five years. Work experience ranges from large client portals to managing cloud connected smart devices. His passion to identify and implement improvements throughout the product lifecycle, from analysing... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 09:00 - 17:00 EEST

09:00 EEST

Introduction to Testing With Playwright
Playwright has become one of the main tools for testing web applications. In this packed 1-day intro, we'll learn how we can use it to automate and test web UI.

We'll see how to write, run and debug Playwright tests. We'll go over locators and expectations, the building blocks of Playwright, and also talk about the async aspect of the operations. We'll talk about refactoring the tests using the Page Object Model, and also see how we can use it for API testing.

On top of that, we'll discuss where Playwright fits into the testing work - what types of tests fit Playwright more, and when they can be replaced with simpler tests. We'll also see how to run the tests in CI environment.

The exercises will be in JavaScript and Python. Attendees will download the exercise from GitHub before the session start.

Watch an overview video from Gil here!

Prerequisites & Tutorial Setup:
- Basic understanding of programming language you're going to use and how to setup
- Basic understanding on test automation
- The examples and exercises are in TypeScript/JavaScript.
- Attendees need a laptop, an IDE (like VS Code), with node/npm installed.
- We'll be using either Edge or Chrome as a browser. Please make sure you have one installed:

Key Takeaways:
  • How to write Playwright tests with navigation, locators and expectations.
  • How to plan tests and scenarios
  • How to debug tests

avatar for Gil Zilberfeld

Gil Zilberfeld

CTO, TestinGil
Gil Zilberfeld has been in software since childhood, writing BASIC programs on his trusty Sinclair ZX81. With more than 25 years of developing commercial software, he has vast experience in software methodology and practices. From automated testing to exploratory testing, design practices... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 09:00 - 17:00 EEST

09:00 EEST

Mobile App Testing Using Appium and Python
The market for tools focused on the automation of E2E mobile applications has never been large. If we add the requirements for freedom of language selection and the ability to create a framework for both Android and iOS, the choice drops to almost zero. But one of the alternatives is Appium, which gives us such options!

During the workshop, using Python, we will learn how to write, correctly configure, and run automatic tests for emulators as well as physical devices. The entire workshop will focus on practical aspects!

Please note that the workshop requires prior preparation of the environment (of course with full support from the trainer)

1. Configuration and launch of Appium and the mobile device emulator
2. What do Appium and Selenium have in common?
3. Mobile selector types - ID, Accessibility ID, class name, XPath
4. Finding items in an application - Appium Inspector
5. Basic actions - click vs tap, entering text, reading element values
6. A short introduction to the pytest testing framework and working with assertions
7. Running/parameterizing tests (if interested, also on your own physical Android devices)
8. Design patterns for mobile applications - Page Screen Pattern

Key Takeaways:
  • Knowledge of how to kick off environment and setup for mobile test automation projects
  • Know-how of using tools to support your tests creation and manage different devices' configuration
  • Understanding good practices and design patterns to build a better framework

avatar for Dawid Pacia

Dawid Pacia

Engineering Manager, QA, PatchingIT
QA and Test Automation Manager as well as mentor and trainer. Tech freak following all the newest technologies (and implementing them on his own). Fan of the Agile approach to project management and products. Actively speaking and traveling around the world, sharing knowledge and... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 09:00 - 17:00 EEST

09:00 EEST

Roll the Marbles! Not Only Good Architecture Helps us to Test Better!
Improving quality is much more than simply exploring the software, as we testers sometimes do. It is also about having a solid architecture to avoid product risks, rather than merely mitigate them. Are you aware of the impact of architecture?

To show you the impact of architecture, we use an interesting metaphor which is also a toy for (big) children! Design, build, and test a marble track while applying the SCRUM approach. You must plan, talk, cooperate, build, test, and think a few sprints ahead to anticipate future problems or risks. Besides that, you will change roles between sprints to determine if you are more critical as a tester about things you did not build.

Main topics to be covered:
• Collaboration and communication with a PO, architect, and stakeholders
• Incorporate different quality attributes in the development process
• The consequences of architectural decisions and changes related to testing
• How to keep the focus on people, process, and product

Combining all these topics, you will discover at the end of the tutorial, that it is important to think about:
• Test approaches
• Project environment (e.g. people)
• Product elements (e.g. architecture)
• Quality attributes (e.g. testability, stability)
from the beginning of the development process.

Join our tutorial to have a look from a broader perspective on how architecture relates to testing and quality.
You will:
• experience the interactions within a team while building a marble track.
• deal with restrictions and limitations within product development
• have fun playing with marbles!

Key Takeaways:
  • Incorporate different quality attributes in the development process
  • The consequences of architectural decisions and changes related to testing
  • How to keep the focus on people, process, and product

avatar for Alex Cusmaru

Alex Cusmaru

Test Team Lead, Siemens Mobility
Alex is a passionate tester with more than 14 years of experience in testing, integrating and validating safety-related railway software and systems.In the past, he was the responsible for the validation of operation and control software and the integration of train control systems... Read More →
avatar for Ard Kramer

Ard Kramer

Qualisopher, OrangeCrest, Netherlands
Ard is a software tester from the Netherlands and works for OrangeCrest. He calls himself a Qualisopher which stands for someone ‘who loves truth and wisdom, and at the same time is decisive to improve man and his environment’. This means he is interested in the world around us... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 09:00 - 17:00 EEST
Thursday, June 6

09:00 EEST

OPENING KEYNOTE: How Is AI Changing Our World? Insights From an AI Researcher’s Perspective
This talk explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence across multiple sectors, particularly emphasizing healthcare. Presenting research from TalTech, we explore how machine learning enhances the analysis of motor functions in conditions such as Parkinson’s and cerebral palsy, underscoring AI’s pivotal role in advancing medical diagnostics and treatments. The discussion also extends to AI applications in other industries, addressing both potential and challenges. Topics such as low interpretability of AI systems, and the importance of understanding training bias to ensure accurate and fair outcomes will be examined, aiming to broaden perspectives on AI’s transformative role beyond healthcare.

Key Takeaways:

Attendees will

  1. gain insights into how AI is revolutionizing not just healthcare but multiple industries, enhancing operations, efficiencies, and creating new opportunities.
  2. learn about the critical challenges in AI development, such as how low interpretability and training biases can affect practical applications and fairness.
  3. leave with a foundational understanding of AI learning principles, including an explanation of how model parameters are adjusted during training, equipping them with basic knowledge to appreciate the mechanics behind AI models.

avatar for Elli Valla

Elli Valla

PhD Student & Early Stage Researcher, Tallinn University of Technology
Elli is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at TalTech's Department of Software Science. With a focus on the intersection of technology and healthcare, Elli's research harnesses machine learning and smart devices to develop predictive models for early detection of neurodegenerative... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 EEST

10:00 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST

10:00 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST
Väike Saal

10:00 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST

10:00 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST

10:30 EEST

Adapting Test Strategies to Modern Deployment Methods
As organizations strive to keep pace with the demands of rapid release cycles and user expectations, they employ various deployment strategies such as Blue-Green, Canary, Rolling, and Feature Toggles, each with its unique set of challenges and benefits.. The choice of deployment strategy significantly influences how testing is approached. Test strategies adapt and transform to align with the diverse deployment strategies employed by modern software development teams.
As the software landscape evolves, encompassing microservices, serverless architecture, and containerization, this talk will specifically focus on test strategies for
  1.  Blue Green deployment 
  2. Canary Deployments 
  3. Feature Flag deployment'
  4. Providing deeper insights on how testing methodologies are reshaped to meet the needs of these dynamic environments. 
Key takeaways:
1. Overview of modern software deployment strategies
2. Impact of deployment strategy on test and quality strategy
3. Synergy between testing and operations team
4. Adaptive test designs

avatar for Sowmya Sridharamurthy

Sowmya Sridharamurthy

Engineering Release Manager, Kiwa
Sowmya Sridharamurthy is a seasoned product quality leader currently working as Engineering Release Manager- at Kiwa. With 15+ years of experience handling products right from inception to delivery, she has worked on diverse software solutions- ERP, SAAS, Mobile Apps, and Web applications... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30 - 11:10 EEST

10:30 EEST

API testing journey through web protocols
HTTP methods. Response codes. Endpoints. JSON. Request-response. Those are the most common buzzwords when we think about API testing. But it’s far from true and fully suited only to REST. According to the 2023 State of the API Report, there are currently 5 well-adopted API architectural styles: REST, Webhooks, GraphQL, SOAP, and WebSockets - all of them with over 25% of usage across companies around the globe. What’s most interesting, in recent years only REST and SOAP's popularity slips down while others grow. Unfortunately, except for REST, we often miss the general knowledge about what the other API styles are about or even their existence. Let’s change that!
We’ll go through the key concepts of every API from a testing perspective. What’s important to verify, where to put more focus, and finally, where we don’t have to take care at all. One of the best examples is HTTP methods - the favorite question of many recruiters asking about API testing. The only problem with this question - it’s almost not at all relevant to any protocol other than REST… Endpoints, response codes, and others can differ in very similar ways.
To properly structure our journey we’ll not only make an overview of web protocols. On the final station, we will visualize a comparison with all similarities and differences to keep our memories for longer.

Key takeaways:
  • Understanding the key concepts of the most popular APIs on the market 
  • The most crucial aspects and areas to focus on from a testing perspective 
  • Memorizing key similarities and differences in terms of testing

avatar for Dawid Pacia

Dawid Pacia

Engineering Manager, QA, PatchingIT
QA and Test Automation Manager as well as mentor and trainer. Tech freak following all the newest technologies (and implementing them on his own). Fan of the Agile approach to project management and products. Actively speaking and traveling around the world, sharing knowledge and... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30 - 11:10 EEST

10:30 EEST

Mind-numbing vs Mind-blowing: Energize Your Next Technical Presentation
Presentations, both virtual and face-to-face, are enjoyable and effective when the speaker is sharing their passion and energy. Whether you are staring at your computer screen doing a Zoom presentation or are lucky enough to be standing in front of a live audience with a projector and some slides, how exactly is that accomplished? Speakers have power! Discover the characteristics of a great presentation – a strong opening, positive body language, proper usage of PowerPoint, good time management, handling questions and many more. The focus of this session is on the basics of designing, developing, and delivering all types of technical presentation material both virtually and face-to-face.
Key takeaways:
  • Capture the audience’s attention and keep it 
  • Present yourself with energy though voice, movement and proper use of tech and visual aids 
  • Manage content development and presentation length 
  • Utilize your power as a presenter, virtually or face-to-face

avatar for Glenn Anderson

Glenn Anderson

Professional Speaker, Glenn Anderson Speaks
Glenn Anderson is a professional public speaker. Glenn helps teams effectively collaborate and communicate. His presentations and webinars combine decades of corporate experience and teaching with his passion for performing improvisational comedy. The result - your audience is energized... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30 - 15:30 EEST
Väike Saal

10:30 EEST

Mission Critical: Decoding Crisis Management
"What's Happening? What Are We Doing Here?" echoes through the hushed hallways of the Agency for Software Assurance and Testing (ASAT) headquarters as urgent meetings commence, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Effective crisis management becomes vital in an industry where the line between success and failure is razor-thin.
The workshop consists of a series of high-stakes simulations, in the fictional ASAT headquarters, where you must draw upon your knowledge and skills to navigate a virtual minefield of escalating crises. This immersive experience will test your resilience and ability to lead and collaborate in times of uncertainty.
As the workshop unfolds, you will unravel the secrets of successful crisis management, harnessing your collective expertise and experiences to develop innovative strategies and actionable plans. You will learn to think critically, make swift and well-informed decisions under pressure, and adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.
Are you ready for the challenge?
Crisis management in day-to-day life revolves around being prepared, staying composed, and taking appropriate actions to navigate and overcome unexpected situations or emergencies, ensuring the best possible outcome. This is not only applicable to the testing activity, but also to individuals, families, communities, and organizations.
This workshop is designed for anyone seeking to enhance their crisis management skills in the software industry.
No special equipment is required – just bring yourself and your eagerness to learn and excel in crisis management.

Key takeaways:
  • The ability to make well-informed decisions under pressure. 
  • Effective communication, coordination, and cooperation among team members, stakeholders, and external partners. 
  • The importance of post-crisis evaluation and learning from experiences.

avatar for Maria Whaibe

Maria Whaibe

Co-Founder, GRIS

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30 - 15:30 EEST

10:30 EEST

Web, API functional testing and Performance Testing via CICD Pipeline - Learn from Scratch
In this workshop/tutorial, the attendees will be learning how to create Web (front end) tests, (using Playwright or Selenium) , API tests and Performance Tests (using K6) from the scratch. Then they would learn how to run these tests in a multistage pipeline via Github Actions or Azure DevOps
Key takeaways:
  • From zero to hero - in test automation techniques like framework creation,  design patterns (Page object Model) etc. 
  • From zero to hero - in CICD concepts 
  • Familiarization with the latest testing tools in the market

Github link: https://github.com/ghoshasish99/playwright-k6

avatar for Ashish Ghosh

Ashish Ghosh

Test Automation Architect, ING Bank
Ashish is the Test Automation Architect in the ING Bank in Netherlands and has over a decade of experience working on multiple Automation tools, techniques and  practices. He specializes in end to end testing and has a vast experience on various technologies like web, api, databases... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30 - 15:30 EEST

11:10 EEST

Old Tools, New Tricks: Unleashing the Power of Time-Tested Testing Tools
In the ever-evolving world of software testing and development, it's easy to get swept up in the allure of shiny, new tools and technologies. But what if I told you that some of the most effective solutions have been around for decades? Join me in this talk as we dive into the enduring value of timeless testing tools.
In "Old Tools, New Tricks," we'll explore how venerable tools like Selenium, GNU Make, Maven, and Bash continue to be essential assets in the modern software development and testing toolkit. I will give examples of how these tools solved our problems, demonstrate their adaptability, versatility, and reliability and try to prove that sometimes the “old” ways are the best ways.
This session is designed to show that it's worth digging deeper into familiar tools. This way, you can stock up your toolbox and make better decisions on how to solve test problems more effectively. Let’s rediscover the power of the classics!

Key takeaways:
  • Reduce knowledge gaps and make informed decisions by combining classic and new testing tools
  • Inspire people to look more into the technology they already know
  • See how time-tested tools can lead to better efficiency, less errors and better quality 

avatar for Benjamin Bischoff

Benjamin Bischoff

Test Automation Engineer, trivago N.V.
After being a game/application developer and trainer for 15 years, Benjamin decided in 2017 to make test automation his main career. Currently, he works as a Test Automation Engineer in trivago's backend QA team. His focus lies on the development and maintenance of trivago’s in-house... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 EEST
  • about After being a game/application developer and trainer for 15 years, Benjamin decided in 2017 to make test automation his main career. Currently, he works as a Test Automation Engineer in trivago's backend QA team. His focus lies on the development and maintenance of trivago’s in-house test frameworks and related build pipelines. Additionally, he provides help with all test automation matters. Benjamin is a book author and maintainer of various open-source projects for test automation and reporting. Also, he is a conference speaker and writes about testing topics on his blog https://www.softwaretester.blog/.

11:10 EEST

Partner Track: You Must Not Use Postman for Test Automation According to Rfc-9225
Take a peek behind the testing curtain of Estonian authentication and digital signature services we've developed in Nortal - ID-card, Mobile-ID, Smart-ID, Central authentication(TARA) and authorisation systems, SiGa, SiVa, etc.
I will relive my decade long journey of refactoring and incremental evolution from monoliths and SoapUI to tightly coupled microservices with Spock.

There will be memes from 2001, KISSing, lots of code, a few rants and hopefully a mental framework on how to tackle any automation project.

Key Takeaways:
  • Good and bad patterns for test automation code - Object Mother, Excel Roller Coaster
  • Test automation architecture and why you shouldn't have one - I will even give you mine for free
  • What is a test environment and also why you shouldn't have one - Why I'm now a part time DevOps engineer
  • How to integrate test reports into software development workflow - Specification by Example for real this time
  • Guiding principles that have shaped our decisions and should be universal for all projects
Github link: https://github.com/Test-Government/nordic-testing-days-2024-talk

avatar for Rasmus Sööt

Rasmus Sööt

Senior Test Automation Engineer, Nortal
Software tester at heart with just enough programming to blend Exploratory testing, Specification by Example and GitOps principles. For two decades I have worked in small(ish) teams together with developers to build a quality product for our customers. When not busy with a project... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:10 - 12:30 EEST

11:50 EEST

The treasure map – finding value through customer complaints
I used to feel ashamed when support tickets started coming in after a release. This was my product, I was the one supposed to find these problems when testing. I blamed myself for not discovering the issue on time, for not thinking about that risk, for not bringing it up with the team.  
However, with time, I learned to see beyond my feeling of not being good enough, and accept customer complaints as a source of input, of help, instead of personal critique. To be honest, they were actually the magic potion we needed the whole time. To grow and learn as a team.
Clients’ inquiries are not always bugs. They can be feature requests, questions, show you that your UX needs improvement or much much more. By going through them regularly, and in a structured way, we get continuous feedback from our users, we address their needs better and faster, and we co-create our products instead of relying on our assumptions.
In this talk, I will:
  • Explain how to get valuable insights from customer complaints and utilize them in the testing strategy; 
  • Give a practical example of how to visualize the results of the analysis; 
  • Share the success story of my team – how we got a space on company-level business review meetings to share insights about quality and action plan based on them. 
Key takeaways:
  • Customers’ complaints are a valuable asset to the testing strategy 
  • Sharing learnings from customer feedback can help testers get visibility and show their value in the organization, thus making more impact on the product; 
  • Regular analysis of customer complaints is not a burden if you have a framework for making it actionable.  

avatar for Lidia Barkanova

Lidia Barkanova

Lead Quality Engineer, Infobip
I am a Lead Quality Engineer, managing a team of testers covering several SaaS B2B products in Infobip (Croatian unicorn company). I'm in tech for almost a decade and have experience in different roles (either formal or informal) - tester, business analyst, a bit of product manager... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:50 - 12:30 EEST

12:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST

12:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST

12:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST
Väike Saal

12:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST

13:30 EEST

Case study: how to test something for kids - Spoofy
What to do when you have to create something for very specific audience? What if this includes a very special group – children? At the same time, you also need to practice different testing techniques? And you need to test it with a large audience but keeping it a secret? Spoofy is a cybersecurity game for kids, the fifth world expansion was created, tested and released in 2023. The talk looks at the obstacles that come with trying to make something for a specific audience while trying to both match and mitigate expectations; testing and matching old code with new; and testing with no testing budget whatsoever. The case study looks at the crucial problems and solutions on the path to release, then the unexpected phase of emergency testing and a new release. The talk is mostly aimed at testers and test managers, especially for those developing something for a specialized group like children.  

Key takeaways:
  • close communication with the target group is important; 
  • if you can't get to the target group, use proxies; 
  • sometimes, you need to think outside the box;

avatar for Catlyn Kirna

Catlyn Kirna

Cyber Security Consultant, CGI Estonia
Catlyn Kirna is a cyber security consultant at CGI Estonia and the head of the children's cyber hygiene game Spoofy. Catlyn is also a teacher, lecturer and a researcher. Catlyn has an MA degree in International relations from the University of Tartu and an MSc in Education Technology... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 13:30 - 14:10 EEST

13:30 EEST

Partner Track: The human factor in QA: Testing Beyond Code
What do code freezes, ORM issues, code review conflicts, and AI security issues have in common?
I think that we often forget the human factor in quality assurance. We want to simplify the work, and this sometimes leads to unintended consequences. Let’s explore the reasons behind these common pitfalls in tools and processes and suggest solutions.

avatar for Vitaly Sharovatov

Vitaly Sharovatov

Developer Advocate, QASE
As a quality enthusiast, I believe that people should take pride in their work and companies should aim to produce high-quality products. I have spent the last 22 years in IT, focusing on engineering, quality assurance and mentorship. I am also a huge animal lover and have saved and... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 13:30 - 14:10 EEST

14:10 EEST

5 levels of API automation
In this conference talk, we will explore a cutting-edge approach to testing in a microservice architecture. With over 300 synchronous and asynchronous API endpoints running in a shared environment with cross-dependencies, traditional testing methods have become increasingly challenging. To address this, we have leveraged newer technologies to split our API testing into five levels, increasing our overall confidence. These levels include mocked black box testing, temporary namespaced API in our CI environment, post-deployment tests, environment stability tests, and data explorer tests. Each level focuses on specific functionality and acceptance criteria, allowing us to thoroughly test the APIs. We will demonstrate how we have orchestrated these tests using Kubernetes and CI configuration, and how we have employed a custom data extractor to find strange data sets to use as test data for data explorer tests. Join us to learn how this approach has changed the way we test and look at APIs, and to discuss the pros and cons of using this method.

Key Takeaways:
  • API automation at different layers of the stack
  • Using development technology in testing
  • Mocking frameworks to proxy requests

avatar for Shekhar Ramphal

Shekhar Ramphal

QA architect, Allan Gray
I am committed to providing end-to-end testing solutions that ensure the highest levels of software quality. Whether I'm designing automation frameworks, collaborating with developers, or advocating for best practices, my ultimate goal is to deliver reliable, user-friendly software... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 14:10 - 14:50 EEST

14:10 EEST

Climate impact of software testing
Often people think that coding and testing themselves don’t really contribute to the stress to climate. Rather people think it is the use of information systems that has an impact on the climate. It is true that it is easier to start moving cloud provider data centers to use renewable energy. However, also coding and testing can create a positive carbon handprint, which means influencing the information system's ecological attributes in a climate-positive manner.

When you code, you can make architectural choices that end up using less energy when they are executed in the cloud. When you aim for early quality, the need to fix software diminishes, the cost per fixed defect diminishes, and as a consequence, the hours of test environment used during software development and testing diminish, too. As always, it pays back to create good quality, because as a total cost, good quality is cheaper. Early quality is even cheaper. Cheaper means also less energy used. So, it makes sense to create software through agile software development processes and early testing, because then you need fewer test environments.

Of course, you still need many environments for testing, but when they are implemented and installed through on-demand automation, there’s less carbon footprint.

The presentation provides depths into these considerations and challenges the audience to think in which ways testing can contribute positively to climate. The talk encourages to optimize the number of tests by using risk analysis techniques, test techniques, and AI-based test optimization, both for first time tests and for regression tests. The talk encourages to creation of on-demand test environments instead of all-the-time powered-up old and cumbersome environments.

Key Takeaways:
  • ICT, and testing too, is in a great place to help battle the climate impact of CO2 emissions 
  • Testing can also check the environmental friendliness of software among other quality criteria 
  • Green testing means early and optimized test environments and testing, which means cheaper testing!

avatar for Kari Kakkonen

Kari Kakkonen

Author, Dragons Out Oy
Mr. Kari Kakkonen has worked in software testing for almost 30 years. He is the co-author of ACT 2 LEAD Software Testing Leadership Handbook. Kari is the 2021 EuroSTAR Testing Excellence Award winner, Tester of the Year in Finland Award 2021 winner, and DASA Exemplary DevOps Instructor... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 14:10 - 14:50 EEST

14:50 EEST

Progressive Delivery in Kubernetes
Progressive Delivery makes it easier to adopt Continuous Delivery, by deploying new versions to a subset of users and evaluating their correctness and performance before rolling them to the totality of the users, and rolled back if not matching some key metrics. Feature flags and Canary deployments are some of the techniques in Progressive Delivery, used to roll out new versions gradually. But good news! you don't need to be a big company to take advantage of it.  
We will demo how to create a fully automated Progressive Delivery pipeline with Canary deployments and rollbacks in Kubernetes using Argo, an open source project that automates Canary rollouts and rollbacks.
Key takeaways:
  • learn about Progressive Delivery (Canary deployments, feature flags, ...) 
  • learn about Argo Rollouts, an open source project that automates Canary rollouts and rollbacks 
  • learn how to easily automate Canary deployments in Kubernetes including automated rollbacks

avatar for Carlos Sanchez

Carlos Sanchez

Principal Scientist, Adobe
Carlos Sanchez is a Principal Scientist at Adobe Experience Manager, specializing in software automation, from build tools to Continuous Delivery and Progressive Delivery. Involved in Open Source for over 15 years, he is the author of the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin and a member of... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 EEST

15:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST

15:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST

15:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST

15:30 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST
Väike Saal

16:00 EEST

CLOSING KEYNOTE: Who Makes These Stupid Decisions?
In the realm of management, decision-making isn't just about strategy; it's about the perspectives that shape it, especially across different seniority levels. This keynote presentation offers a candid examination of management decisions through my personal experience.

We'll cover situations where seemingly illogical decisions revealed their wisdom, at least most of them. Exploring the background we'll try to figure out why the usual communication strategy fails and how that makes people question the sanity of the management. As I grew from engineer to manager to head-of, from small to big company I found that my approach to these has changed a lot, so did my heart rate.

Join me in the journy of trying to distill some sense of all this. And perhaps there are some ideas that help you keep your sanity and make it easier explain decisions to your teams.

avatar for Kristjan Uba

Kristjan Uba

Head of Developer Experience, Betsson Group
Over the years Kristjan has been part of many projects, from low level embedded C to cutting-edge web development. From engineering and testing to teaching and leading teams. From small to big companies. Currently head of Developer Exepreince. Which is an area that is new, and very... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 16:00 - 17:00 EEST

17:15 EEST

Thursday June 6, 2024 17:15 - 23:00 EEST

19:00 EEST

Do you feel like there is an interesting topic to share? Some new idea or discovery? Got inspiration from some other talk and you want to share it?

Mark your topic on the registration board in the room, prepare a 5 minute talk and present.

Registration board available in the room from 12PM.

Thursday June 6, 2024 19:00 - 20:00 EEST
Väike Saal

19:00 EEST

Come and play variety of board games.

Thursday June 6, 2024 19:00 - 23:00 EEST

20:00 EEST

Bring your wits, because this is it! PowerPoint karaoke, also known as battledecks or battle decks, is an improvisational activity in which a participant must deliver a presentation based on a set of slides that they have never seen before. Slides may include actual slides seen at NTD.

Both topics and talks will be provided by all of us in the room. You pull a random title out of a hat, grab the remote and away we go!

Especially useful for Friday presenters to practice before the main event.

Thursday June 6, 2024 20:00 - 21:00 EEST
Väike Saal
Friday, June 7

09:00 EEST

Where software testing, QA and QE in general is headed towards to in 2024? What are the current trends and perspectives? Of course, we can't dodge the question of how will AI change and how it has already changed the landscape of software testing?

Our industry veterans will try to answer these and many other questions in this live discussion panel.

Please submit your questions and vote for your favorite ones here.

avatar for Dawid Pacia

Dawid Pacia

Engineering Manager, QA, PatchingIT
QA and Test Automation Manager as well as mentor and trainer. Tech freak following all the newest technologies (and implementing them on his own). Fan of the Agile approach to project management and products. Actively speaking and traveling around the world, sharing knowledge and... Read More →
avatar for Viviane Hennecke

Viviane Hennecke

Quality Coach, Accenture
Vivianes focus area is on structured improvements of quality assurance processes in scaled agile product development initiatives. She is known to combine her neurodivergent mind with testing and trainer experience and with her background in communication management. This combination... Read More →
avatar for Martin Mäe

Martin Mäe

Senior QA Specialist at Nortal, Nortal

Friday June 7, 2024 09:00 - 10:00 EEST

10:00 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST

10:00 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST

10:00 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST

10:00 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 10:00 - 10:30 EEST
Väike Saal

10:30 EEST

High Fiber Count – Weaving Quality into the Organizational Fabric
Organizational culture does not develop in a linear fashion, nor does it evolve in isolated pillars.
Organizational culture is weaved together from many interwinding strands. It’s the way we recruit, the way we handle our daily meetings, the way we advertise ourselves. It’s the way we handle crisis, or change, or conflict. It’s how we design our offices and how we design our swag. It’s how we converse with each other, and how we communicate our wins and losses.
When Amir joined Facebook, it was a 60,000+ people company; most of these were R&D staff. He was the 21st QA Lead in the company, globally.
His job is to engender a culture of quality in product groups that have dozens or hundreds or thousands of engineers working in them, and to “weave” quality into the organizational fabric.
Do you want to know how to do that?

Key takeaways:
  • Quality is everyone's agenda. It's never someone else's problem. 
  • Nobody wakes up in the morning looking to ship a bad product. but a culture lacking in quality pushes us to do it anyway. 
  • Quality is always intentional and premeditated. It has to be seeded into the cultural fiber of the organization. 

avatar for Amir Shani

Amir Shani

Quality Engineering Lead, Meta
I am passionate about quality. I believe that quality should always be on everyone’s agenda, that no one part of an organization owns quality. I have spent over half of my life preaching this faith.  Over the past 20+ years I've been testing, developing, managing and leading quality... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 10:30 - 11:10 EEST

10:30 EEST

Capturing Network Traffic like Pokémon
  • Capturing and analyzing network traffic is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation and security of websites and applications. This workshop delves into the fascinating world of network call inspection, focusing not only on the success of these calls but also on the detailed examination of their parameters. Attendees will gain insights into both manual and automated methods for achieving this goal, including tools like Charles Proxy, Fiddler, Mitmproxy, and the automation possibilities with BrowserMobProxy, Selenium, and Appium.
Network calls are the backbone of web and mobile applications, responsible for data exchange between clients and servers. Ensuring their correctness and security is paramount to delivering a seamless user experience. This presentation aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of how to capture and evaluate network calls, going beyond mere success/failure checks to include a detailed examination of their parameters.
Tools for Manual Inspection:
Charles Proxy: Known for its robust capabilities, Charles Proxy allows for detailed traffic inspection. We'll explore its features and how to use it effectively for network call analysis. Fiddler: Fiddler is another powerful tool for monitoring and modifying HTTP/HTTPS traffic. We'll discuss its usage and benefits in the context of network call inspection. Mitmproxy: Mitmproxy is a versatile open-source proxy that provides full control over network traffic. We'll delve into its features and how it can aid in the manual examination of network calls.
Automating Network Call Inspection:
Manually inspecting network calls can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially in the context of testing web or mobile applications. In this presentation, we'll introduce automation techniques using BrowsermobProxy, Mitmproxy, Selenium, and Appium.

Key takeaways:
  • How to check network calls 
  • How to automate network calls checks
  • Learn new network test tools
Workshop prep:

  • Bring a laptop
  • Download charles proxy: https://www.charlesproxy.com/download/
  • Install adb (https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/)
  • Install Android studio (and create a android phone simulator) OR bring your own android device

avatar for Bart Van Raemdonck

Bart Van Raemdonck

QA Coach, Axxes
I started as a software developer in the IT world but was quickly frustrated by bugs, which led him to discover the wonderful world of software testing.I soon became passionate about test automation and was able to combine this passion with his interest in media by working on projects... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 10:30 - 12:30 EEST

10:30 EEST

Chaos testing in the cloud: a road to resiliency
This workshop will show you how to protect your applications from disruptions, optimize business continuity, meet compliance and regulatory requirements. You will learn to use AWS Resilience Hub as a central place to define, validate and track the resiliency of your AWS application to:
  • Analyze your infrastructure and get recommendations to improve the resiliency of your applications. In addition to architectural guidance for improving your applications' resiliency, the recommendations provide code for implementing tests, alarms, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) that you can deploy and run with your application in your integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.
  • Validate recovery time (RTO) and recovery point (RPO) targets under different conditions. 
  • Optimize business continuity while reducing recovery costs. 
  • Identify and resolve issues before they occur in production.
After you deploy an application into production, you can add Resilience Hub to your CI/CD pipeline to validate every build before it is released into production.

Key takeaways:
  • Always define resiliency requirements 
  • Assess your current applications state regularly 
  • Integrate resiliency assessments into your CI/CD pipelines 

avatar for Michael Graumann

Michael Graumann

Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
While Michael started as native app developer, after excursions to web development and platform operations he eventually ended up as AWS Solutions Architect, specialized into networking.In his current role he works with German enterprise customers supporting them on their cloud journey... Read More →
avatar for Markus Ziller

Markus Ziller

Markus is a technologist that has been developing software since the late 90s and now mostly specializes in cloud-native reactive applications.In his current role as a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, he helps his customers build well-architected, scalable and cost-efficient... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 10:30 - 12:30 EEST
Väike Saal

10:30 EEST

Efficiency Matters: Mastering Dockerized, Scalable Grid for Selenium and Playwright Test Suites
UI testing tools offer a robust solution for web application assessment, yet it faces a bottleneck when scaling up to handle extensive UI test suites that require hours to complete. This comprehensive workshop addresses this challenge by guiding you through the creation and deployment of a dockerized Selenium grid, enhanced with autoscaling and video recording features. Capable of efficiently executing several thousand tests in limited period of time, this advanced setup optimizes speed and reliability for UI tests.
Our deep dive will cover the strategic implementation of a high-performance Selenium grid, leveraging cloud technology for dynamic resource allocation and nuanced insight into each test. We'll be grounding our discussion in a practical context, showcasing a real-world application of a robust UI test ecosystem with multiple nodes to operate tests in isolated environments. This approach not only enhances test accuracy by eliminating external interference but also offers a scalable and efficient methodology applicable to both existing and new UI test suites. Furthermore, we will explore how this same test infrastructure can be seamlessly adapted to run Selenium or Playwright tests in parallel, highlighting its adaptability and efficiency across different testing frameworks. By the end of this session, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to revolutionize your UI testing strategy, making it more resilient, faster, and smarter, regardless of the testing framework employed.

Key takeaways:
  • Efficient Scaling: Build a cloud-based Selenium grid for fast, scalable UI testing.  
  • Framework Flexibility: Adapt the same infrastructure for both Selenium and Playwright tests.
  • Reliable Isolation: Ensure accurate results with isolated test environments on multiple nodes.  

avatar for Sargis Sargsyan

Sargis Sargsyan

Sr. Test Architecture Manager, Align Technology
Sargis Sargsyan has been in the software industry for more than ten years.Agile and teamwork believer with experience working in distributed international teams using Agile/Scrum/Kanban methodology. He was a part of solid industries specializing in Mobile, Web, SaaS, and Enterprise... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 10:30 - 15:30 EEST

11:10 EEST

The UK Post Office and the Dalmellington Bug. How one buggy computer system led to the largest miscarriage of justice in the UK’s legal history.
Between 2000 and 2014, the UK Post Office successfully prosecuted 736 sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses for false accounting and theft - an average of one a week - based on information from a new computer system called Horizon. Some of those convicted went to prison, many were financially ruined, many suffered anxiety and depression, and have described being shunned by their communities. Some died, still having a criminal record. But the problem was with the computer system - not the staff. Misreporting by the system caused discrepancies in the accounts leading to incorrect financial shortfalls in thousands of post offices. The Post Office continued to prosecute staff even after bugs were identified in the system. It took almost 20 years for the Post Office to admit responsibility.
In this talk we will identify what went wrong - how a policy of fear and coverups, poor communication, lack of ethics and an inability to take action or responsibility led to what has been described as the largest miscarriage of justice in the UK. Most importantly, we will look at the effect that this had on the people who were effected most - how one buggy computer system led to the ruination of people's lives and careers.

Key takeaways:
  • Any computer system - not just medical or defence - can have a significant effect on the people who use it. 
  • The ethical challenges when testing. 
  • The importance of being transparent and up-front when dealing with issues and concerns.

avatar for Kevin Harris

Kevin Harris

QA Manager, SiXworks
I have been testing for over 20 years, and have been testing in Agile companies for about 16 years. I have covered a lot of roles - I am currently a QA Manager. I have worked in multiple industries - travel, marketing, government, banking, communications, etc, for companies between... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 11:10 - 11:50 EEST
  • about I have been testing for over 20 years, and have been testing in Agile companies for about 16 years. I have covered a lot of roles - I am currently a QA Manager. I have worked in multiple industries - travel, marketing, government, banking, communications, etc, for companies between start-up and multi-national. As well as testing roles, I have also spent a couple of years in development (didn't like it!), and as a scrum master (which I enjoyed more!).<br><br>

11:50 EEST

Measuring Web Accessibility: Our Research and a Blueprint
Did you know that the European Accessibility Act mandates that websites, software, electronic devices and mobile apps must be accessible to people with disabilities, elderly people or people with low tech-affinity, be it private or public sector, starting from the 28th of June 2025?
Still, accessibility is typically seen as a "nice to have" requirement. From our experiences, accessibility testing is often excluded in the SLDC because of other priorities. Let us tell you: Accessibility is not negotiable! As a tester it is our obligation to act ethically - in the end we are validating the requirements and protecting the end user. As diversity, equity, and inclusion are increasingly considered in testing, we must ensure that the end user, especially those with disabilities, is not impacted or excluded due to the lack of accessibility.
But, how accessible is my website or application? And how accessible is my website when comparing to other websites? These important questions are surprisingly difficult to answer. Testing the accessibility with automated tools does not always align with end user impact. And how do you even score a website and based on which data?
In this session we will present our journey in answering these questions and how we achieved our personal goal, creating a scoring mechanism for web accessibility. Moreover we will provide a simple blueprint for everyone to enhance their automated testing with little manual validation efforts, based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). We will show you some results from our research analyzing the websites of 30 large European companies and from the John Hopkins University on Vaccine Websites and NIH-funded universities in the US.
To generate your own scoring framework, all you need is an automated accessibility testing tool of your choice, a big data pool with accessibility data, and a simple manual test script.

Key takeaways:
  • Accessibility is not negotiable - it affects everyone! 
  • Minimal manual testing can inform regarding the end-user impact of automation results
  • Let's openly share our knowledge and experience around accessibility - in the end everyone gains from that 

avatar for Christoph Rump

Christoph Rump

Quality Engineering Manager, Accenture
Christoph Rump is a Quality Engineering Manager with 12 years IT-experience within Accenture with a strong technical background. Christoph holds a diploma in “Business Information Technology” (Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf.) from the University of Cologne in Germany. He has built an in-depth... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 11:50 - 12:30 EEST
  • about Christoph Rump is a Quality Engineering Manager with 12 years IT-experience within Accenture with a strong technical background. Christoph holds a diploma in “Business Information Technology” (Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf.) from the University of Cologne in Germany. He has built an in-depth understanding across a wide range of methodologies, technologies and business processes within various client sites and industries with a focus on System Integration, Agile, UX/Accessibility, Digital and Mobile Testing, Test Advisory and Management as well as Transformative Delivery Programs in Germany and Switzerland involving delivery centers in Near- and Offshore.

12:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST

12:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST
Väike Saal

12:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST

12:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 12:30 - 13:30 EEST

13:30 EEST

What to test when AI has consumed everything?
A fad, a tool among others or something that may change testing as profession drastically? Whatever it may be, it's hard to ignore the impact AI has on all of us. It has captured everyone's imagination and senses and it's on a path to something tremendous, or terrible.        In this presentation we'll go through what a tester equipped with AI can do now and in the future. A practical demo will lay foundation for discussion about the fabric of testing, the potential of AI tools in testing and what will happen to testing as a profession, and to us testers, when AI has consumed everything.  

avatar for Sami Söderblom

Sami Söderblom

Co-founder / Principal Consultant, Qlarify
Sami is one of Finland's leading experts in context-driven quality practices and national Tester of the Year 2022. He has twenty years of history from a variety of testing and quality leadership positions in nearly twenty different business domains, and he speaks regularly in domestic... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 13:30 - 14:10 EEST

13:30 EEST

Analysis and modification of mobile applications traffic using Burp Suite
As a mobile apps QA you almost certainly test an application with the backend or 3rd party services communication. What does the app send to the backend? What data it receives? If you are curious to know the answer to those questions and want to implement the workflow of testing applications traffic into your daily activities, then this workshop is for you. We'll take a look how to setup the Burp Suite and proxy on your phone and how to read and modify application's and server traffic.

Prerequisites for attending the workshop:

avatar for Oleg Nikiforov

Oleg Nikiforov

Automation QA Engineer/ QA Team Lead, Capgemini Engineering
11 years in testing. I work mostly with mobile projects, currently in health-care domain. On 90% of my projects I use sniffers to work with network traffic, and during the past years I've got an understanding that this approach is a must to get as comprehensive test coverage, as possible... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 13:30 - 15:30 EEST
Väike Saal

14:10 EEST

How I am unfolding my potential as a neurodivergent in testing
Ever felt different or worked with someone who you couldn’t understand? Who seemed to think somehow unlike than you? Maybe they did indeed. Are you aware that there are two main categories of human thinking: neurotypical and neurodivergent? Whereas neurotypical thinking is often described as “linear thinking” neurodivergent thinking is more “cross-linked”. I am fascinated by the differences in behavior and perception of the world that result out of this important detail.  
I think differently. But that's not all. I behave differently and I have different needs. Why? I recently discovered through an algorhythm that I have a combination of ADHD and autism incl. high sensitivity. But I adapted to the world as it is and blended in. That makes me a perfect fit for an agile environment where adapting to changing circumstances is key. I blame this part on my ADHD brain that loves discovering new things. My autistic brain on the other hand hates changes. So, I consider myself lucky that I have both of them. The sides are balancing each other out. I developed a lot of implicit strategies to cope with it. To give an example: My family was always wondering why I used check lists so extensively, even as a child. Now I know: That was my autistic side bringing my chaotic ADHD brain under control.
I would like to share my personal story which strategies and characteristics are helping me finding my career path. For instance, how I got from the awkward little girl that hid in the bushes to being voted “the most ‘dreamy’” in school to me giving speeches in front of hundreds of people and taking leading roles in an international consulting company. It is a story on how I get to shine in a branch of extroverts. I hope to inspire some of my fellow testers, especially those who also sometimes feel different. I'd like to make a stand that some typical qualities make neurodivergent people especially valuable in the testing world. I want to provide ideas what colleagues and employer can do to attract, interact and appreciate them and make them stay.
Join this speech if you would like to listen to my insights how that helps me shaping my career and what this teaches you about interaction with your fellow colleagues and/or employees.

Key takeaways:
  • When we want to achieve a diversity of strengths, we need to nurture a culture of acceptance
  • Neurodivergency is not a sickness. It's a trait.
  • I can use my strengths to build up my own strategies to overcome my weaknesses.

avatar for Viviane Hennecke

Viviane Hennecke

Quality Coach, Accenture
Vivianes focus area is on structured improvements of quality assurance processes in scaled agile product development initiatives. She is known to combine her neurodivergent mind with testing and trainer experience and with her background in communication management. This combination... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 14:10 - 14:50 EEST

14:50 EEST

Sharing wisdom of implementing a modern end-to-end automated testing framework
When I joined Cargoo AG in late 2020 I was presented with a 2 year old fragile test suite dying in maintenance hell and built on top of a click & record framework. Tests were hard to create, much harder to update. Test runs happened on a single Windows machine at night and were not connected to releases. While technically written in Python the code was barely readable and non refactorable.  After 3 years of development I'm happy with what we have instead:
  • A Python framework built on top of pytest and using requests library for API testing and Playwright for UI testing 
  • A pure Python OOP DSL 
  • Fluent interfaces 
  • Colorful logs and reports 
  • No Gherkin or Cucumber, still business friendly 
  • Dozens of pipelines with quick(ish) feedback 
  • Modular, refactorable, well maintainable code 
  • Response validations
  • Visual comparisons 
  • Ability to run against DevBoxes/SandBoxes 
  • Performance monitoring in Grafana
  • Code reviews and Pull Requests culture 
I want to share my journey of prototyping, onboarding and incrementally building this framework, share my guiding principles I accumulated in test automation since 2008. Last but not least, share some of the cool features available out of the box or within a hand's reach.

Key takeaways:
  • Guideline for a modern end-to-end framework
  • Advice on onboarding 15 test engineers from a click & record to proper OOP test automation 
  • List of ideas and tools that implement mentioned framework features 

avatar for Sergei Sergejev

Sergei Sergejev

Quality Manager, Cargoo AG
Sergei started his path in IT in 2007 as a software tester. Since then he worked as Quality Engineer, Test Architect, Quality Lead and even a little bit as a developer.Knowing that process is king he also had worked as Agile Coach and Technical Product Owner for DevOps.While loving... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 14:50 - 15:30 EEST

15:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST

15:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST

15:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST

15:30 EEST

Friday June 7, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 EEST
Väike Saal

16:00 EEST

CLOSING KEYNOTE: Could Green Software be the next Tiger Leap for Estonia?
Green software development is a strategic and ethical choice, benefiting both business and the environment. Prioritizing sustainability sparks innovation, providing a competitive edge for eco-conscious consumers and reducing operational costs. A commitment to sustainability attracts top talent.

To transition to green software, assess current practices, adopt lean and agile methodologies, optimize cloud infrastructure, refine code, choose energy-efficient hardware, integrate renewables, monitor and improve continuously, foster collaboration, educate users, and comply with green standards.

Ensuring compliance involves aligning practices with standards, conducting thorough
assessments, and participating in certification programs.

Could it be the prospect of Estonia emerging as a pioneer in sustainability and environmental protection by 2027, leveraging green technology to enhance the competitiveness of its companies? It is an ambitious yet attainable goal that requires government support, investment in green technology, fostering environmental responsibility in businesses, and promoting innovation. This approach would position Estonia as a leader in sustainable technology, driving economic growth and global competitiveness.

avatar for Erle Raudsepp

Erle Raudsepp

Founder, Devdelux
For over 25 years, my mission has been to create high-quality, secure, and sustainable human-centric technological solutions in the finance, utilities, telecommunications, and healthcare sectors.Throughout this journey, I've collaborated with diverse clients and partners, ranging... Read More →

Friday June 7, 2024 16:00 - 17:00 EEST
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